Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stars Talent Studio

For those of you who have heard mention of the Talent Agency I work with, Stars Talent Studio, here is a clip run by the news recently, which aired on Mormon times and KSL. I can't begin to say how honored I am to work with these wonderful people, and try to bring about a change in the standards of media and future celebrities. It's high time we take a stand to say beauty is only skin deep, and what is on the inside; TRULY. DOES. MATTER. We don't need to be scantily clad to be beautiful. We don't need to follow fads that aren't healthy for our bodies or souls because "well gee, everyone else is doing it". Even if I can only help one of these girls (or boys) understand how special and strong, and talented they are without compromising what they believe in, then I consider it a job well done! I am so proud of all those I have met who have decided to stand up for what they believe in, regardless of religion, race, or gender. Stay true to yourselves my friends, and you will go far!

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